
Please write down your answer or choose below answer if you think it is the same your idea

1. What kind of harmful influences will be caused by a lot of garbage?

A. Bound to hurt town's repuration

B. bad smell

C. scavenge garbage (by people, dogs, etc.)

D. Mouse, mosquito, fly

E. Get sick

F. Having no knowledge for what is dirty

2. As a cause (problem)

A. There are people who throw garbage away

B. Do not take trash

C. Dumpsite

D. Separation of business waste, oversized waste, and waste

E. Garbage-hunters, stray cats, stray dogs

3. What is your countermeasure? ( Solutions )

A. Clean up

B. Give attention to, choose the person in charge

C. Teaching (company, school, etc.)

D. Signboard

E. Motto, poster display

F. Campaign

4. How to continue (dissemination activities)

A. Show cleaning activities. teach. Experience. Listen to your impressions and ideas

B. Employee education that teaches common sense to be a member of society

C. Teach at school

D. PR activities, campaign